
Introduction! Get hype!

Hello there. Thank you for choosing to read my blog! Hopefully it's worth your time. You might be wondering who am I and why am I writing this.

My name is Pedro. I have a bunch of names and they are all complicated, so let's just stick with Pedro. As you might have guessed, I was not born in the United States. Indeed, I'm Brazilian!

My city! (Not pictured: My actual house)
I come from Fortaleza, in the state we know as CearĂ¡. I bring tales of amazing food and beautiful people.

I am also a full-time undergraduate student at Saint Michael's College, class of 2018. I am currently pursuing a Major degree in Psychology and a Minor in Philosophy. I love my school and have been trying to get involved with activities that allow me to showcase that for almost a year now.

Right now, I am a secretary in two clubs (even if one of them isn't open to the public yet shhh it's a secret), recently became a Social Ambassador and also help out the Applied Linguistics Department as a Student Assistant. It basically means I get to go on cool trips for free and meet awesome international students.

"Hey, wanna go to the highest point of Vermont for fun?", "I mean, yeah."
My plan is to update this blog at least once a month with whatever is happening with me as I try to juggle school work, relationships, work and leisure, flailing my arms like a manchild the whole way through. I'll probably cover clubs, events and trips that I either go to or am interested in supporting, but I'll also just give you guys my perspective as an international student on what goes on and off campus from time to time.

If you ever want to talk to me, you'll probably find me on Facebook or just walking around campus, trying to make sense of directions to my next class.

"You mean, like, by St. Ed's, right? Wait, St. Johns? Where's St. Johns?!"

If you're still here, I'm going to assume you're interested. So look forward to the next update!

Have a lovely day.