
Changing seasons!

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a safe Saint Patrick’s Day and a relaxing Easter break!
Weather has been acting erratic the whole year, but the important part is: we’re finally changing from winter to spring!

More on adorable animals later.

Changing seasons affects students in many different ways. There has been a lot of research about how Vitamin D affects students’ behavior and mood, and how important it is to take care of yourself during colder seasons. We’ve had a very atypical year, however – at least in Vermont, it never dropped below freezing for too long, and we didn’t get a lot of snow.

That doesn’t mean winter didn’t affect people. The winter season can have really bad effects: it messes up students’ health, sleeping schedules change, depression becomes more likely and stress levels start rising with the approach of finals.

But that’s in the past! Spring is coming and it’s coming fast! And we have so much to look forward to!

1.      Go out! And have fun! Without three layers of clothing!

·         Gone are the days of being unable to walk outside without protective gear! We can finally wear t-shirts and don’t immediately regret our life decisions. Additionally, it is also the perfect time to just hang out outside – studying indoors can get boring sometimes.  

Being outside actually makes studying fun sometimes.

2.       Having way more sun all day long.

         Remember that thing I said about vitamin D? Well, lack vitamin D is very correlated to depression and sleeping problems. One of the main ways we get vitamin D is through exposure to the sun, which, in the winter, is obviously a problem. But we’ve beaten the tyranny of winter, and so everyone’s moods should start getting better!  

Accurate representation of the sun during Spring.

3.       Flowers! Remember them?

         Some like the white aesthetic of the winter, but really, dead trees and fields get old. Spring brings back all that color and biodiversity that makes places like Saint Michael’s beautiful.  

You can also just play Flower. It's a really nice game.

4.       Dogs! And barbecues!

        With the temperatures rising, people can finally bring their dogs outside again, officially beginning dog petting season! Read that again. Let that sink in.

Average dog attire during Spring.

And there you go! A lot of things to look forward to during Spring!
Have a lovely day.