
Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi! This will not be a big post, because I know you are tired and want to enjoy break with your family. So let’s get right to the point!

Thanksgiving is a weird time for me. You see, my country does not have an equivalent of Thanksgiving. We do not really do anything at this time of the year – because of that, I do not really have any feelings associated with the holiday.

That being said, I have learned to appreciate and value this part of American culture.

Also, food. Food is very important.

For instance, I had to memorize what is Thanksgiving so I could explain it to people back home. I feel like the concept of a holiday to give thanks to what you have is fascinating, and it shows a lot of the best North American culture has to offer: yes, rewards are important, but understanding where they came from is just as vital.

Saint Michael’s College also has an amazing program in which international students can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with members of the staff, for those who could not travel or go to their friends’ houses. The sense of community is strong here, and many students enjoy the benefits of that.

But more than that, it’s just very nice to feel the sense of belonging and generosity that goes around this time of the year. Considering the end of the year is right around the corner, it is good to think back on what we all did this year, and what we can all be thankful for.  

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!